Why MPF?

Why MPF?
After 57 years, our new logo and symbol represent a new beginning for MPF, illustrating our partnership with more mission organizations and helping them secure the equipment they requested.

Example Equipment Gift to "One Way Africa"
The local missionaries of One Way Africa were having continued difficulty with their motorbikes; always in the shop and never really getting them fixed right. The problem was, they needed new motorbikes and accessories to go with them. They used the motorbikes to travel to local villages around Uganda and show the "Jesus Film" in the villagers' native tongue. MPF donors made it possible.

Faith Comes By Hearing Thank You

One Way Africa thanks MPF donors

Example Equipment Gift to "Faith Comes By Hearing"
70% of the world's population cannot read. Translating Bibles won't work if the recipient can't read. Faith Comes By Hearing works with worldwide partners to translate and record the Bible in the native tongue of a growing number of countries. Their goal is to reach the entire world's population by 2033. MPF donors made it possible for thousands to hear the Word of God in their own language by purchasing audio boxes. This video was made by Faith Comes By Hearing to thank MPF donors personally.
Example Equipment Gift to "Mission Eurasia"
Soon after the war began in Ukraine, Mission Eurasia saw the need to distribute food and Bibles to millions of refugees who were displaced and had nowhere to go, and nothing to eat. They put out an SOS for Box Trucks. They said they needed at least 6 at $20,000 each. MPF donors responded to the call and donated $30,103. Mission Eurasia was able to buy two with those funds. Afterwards, they made the video to the right to thank MPF donors for their generosity.