Reasons to Give to MPF
1. The first reason to give to MPF is that no other mission organization is exclusively dedicated to providing modern equipment to missionaries so they can reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you're never sure which organization to donate to, you can be confident MPF will provide a motorbike, or a van, or aircraft equipment, or computers, or recording equipment and much more ... so each missionary can be more effective in the field and do what they are called to do.
2. The second reason to give to MPF is you control where your money goes. You can choose a specific project, or you can choose to spread it across many projects. If you wish, you can tell us to choose which project, based on where the need is the greatest. But in any case, all of your donation goes to projects and not to us. We have no salaries. No Board Member receives any kind of income. No stipend. And your donations never pay rent at our offices. Our office space is provided free by one of our board members. No phone bill. No utility bill. If we do encounter any unavoidable expense, it is covered by private funding, so our donors' funds are not encumbered. 100% goes to projects.
3. The third reason to give to MPF is you are not actually giving to us, but to one of our nearly 100 mission organizations. Some of which you may already give to. But now, your gift to that organization through MPF, automatically becomes practical, earmarked for modern equipment to make your missionaries more effective. One gift. 100 mission organizations.
4. The fourth reason to give to MPF is we do research on each new organization to be sure they are grounded in evangelical principles and believe in Christ centered missions. Do you wish you could check out an organization before giving? We understand. When you give through MPF, we do the checking for you. We meet the leaders by phone. A few of our board members thoroughly examine what they need and what they need it for. We check out their standing with charity auditing bureaus. We check their reputations with known mission partners before we approve them. Then and only then do we agree to present their need to you, our faithful donors.
5. The fifth reason to feel comfortable giving to MPF is there are so many ways to give ... online, over the phone, or by mail. Some donors don't feel comfortable giving online for security reasons. With MPF, you can choose to give over the phone or by mail. If you choose to give online, MPF's donation partner is which assures your online gift is 100% secure. All financial information is encrypted and stored by's banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards, which is the highest rating in the electronic payment processing industry. All information transmitted to the banking partner and on the site is done via an encrypted HTTPS (SSL) connection.
6. The sixth reason to give to MPF is you can consider giving through your estate. Planned gifts to MPF are investments in the future. Leave your mark on the ministry of MPF and global missions for years to come! There can be a significant tax benefit to giving a planned gift to charity. No matter the form or size, your gift will ensure that MPF’s work of funding equipment for Christian missions worldwide will continue for many years to come. Working with your attorney, you can add gift language to your current document or to an entirely new one. You have the option of giving a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your assets. Give through Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA. It’s as easy as contacting your accountant or financial advisor to set up a donor advised fund listing MPF as beneficiary! You can also give through a donor advised fund even if it isn’t connected to an IRA. MPF now accepts stock donations! Contact us if you have interest in giving in this way. It’s a great way to plan for next tax season, especially if selling your shares would mean significant capital gains! ​​
More missions need modern equipment. Can you help?